Child’s Hospital and Maternity Home

Publishing Era: 1915-1930
Publisher: Chas. W. Hughes, Mechanicville, NY
Postmark Year: 1924
Where the Photographer Stood

Postmark Date: October 21, 1924
Mailed to: Mrs. DeForest Barrett, Watertown
Mailed from: 41 West St., Albany
Note: Tuesday evening. Dear Folks:
The building on the left is the one Mrs. Fitz was in. We are going up to sec. Marion tonight – were up Sunday P.M. (and saw Ida & Grover) and last evening I went downtown this P.M.
Edna has asked us out for the week-end. I am in a hurry and forgot to say Marion seems to be getting along fine. We have a lot of studying to do this week.
Love Gen
Postcard Notes: N/A
Child’s Hospital and Maternity Home
Notable Streets: North Main Street, Lancaster Street
Notable Buildings: Brady Maternity Hospital, St. Catherine’s Center for Children, Catholic Charities, R&E May School