John G. Myers Rear Entrance on James Street

Publishing Era: 1901-1907
Publisher: Ideal Advertising Co., Albany, NY
Postmark Year: N/A

Postmark Date: Not Mailed
Mailed to: N/A
Mailed from: N/A
Note: N/A
Postcard Notes: Albany’s Greatest Disaster
Thirteen lives were lost and property valued at half a million dollars was destroyed by the collapse of the building of the John G. Myers Company, 39 and 41 North Pearl street, on the morning of Tuesday, August 8, 1905. Half a hundred were injured in the crash, and of this number one, and possibly two may die.
Workmen had been shoring up the building for several weeks previous to the accident, it having been the intention of the contractor to excavate and make a sub-cellar. This work was well in hand when the crash came.
Happening at 8:48 in the morning, there were but few customers in the store; the clerks were busy arranging their stock, when, without warning, save for a few flecks of plaster that fell, the middle and rear portion of the building collapsed.
Firemen and policemen were quickly on the scene, and aided by hundreds of citizens, the work of rescuing the dead and the dying began. The injured were hurried to hospitals, and all of the dead removed to a nearby morgue. Twelve bodies were removed from the wreck in less than 24 hours, many of them having been buried by tons of debris. Another of the injured died in the hospital.
Four commissions, – one appointed by the mayor, one by the coroner, one by the district attorney, and one by the Building Trades Council, – are now investigating the causes that led up to the wreck.
Rear Entrance on James Street, looking North. This view shows the injured being removed to Ambulances
Notable Streets: James Street
Notable Buildings: John G. Myers Department Store